  • Amikon celebrates Women's Day!
    Amikon hold a party for all women staff. Thank you for all efforts you made to company! Amikon also wishes all the women of the world a happy holiday! To all female clients: You are so strong, beautiful, compassionate and much more than words could ever say! Today is yours and so is every other day. Happy Women's Day! Enjoy your time~
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  • China's wind power builds the soul of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics
    The 2022 Winter Olympics has come to an end, and it has attracted global attention. The bright lights, smooth tracks, and even the food served by robots are full of praise, especially the much-anticipated opening ceremony. The water from the Yellow River from the sky, and the five rings carved by lasers in the ice cube formed by the gathering are rising. These all demonstrate the power of science and technology. Even Zhang Yimou, the chief director of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games, praised that it was technology that enabled him to Many inspirations and ideas have become a reality, and all of this stems from the strong support of green electricity. The three major areas and 26 venues of the Beijing Winter Olympics achieved 100% green power supply for the first time in history. These green electricity comes from the Zhangbei Renewable Energy Demonstration Project. Compared with the Summer Olympics, ice-making and snow-making in the Winter Olympics produce more carbon emissions. The continuous technological breakthroughs in China's wind power industry make it possible to provide innovative products with larger capacity, higher reliability and more intelligence for the Olympic Games. After the Winter Olympics, the non-stop rotating wind turbines will continue to deliver clean energy to the Beijing area and serve the "dual carbon" goal. And the slogan of "faster, higher, stronger, more united" not only represents the Olympic spirit, but also a blessing to the wind power industry, let us "together to the future"!
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  • Artificial intelligence technology is promoted to the level of industrialization
    As the new generation of information technology represented by artificial intelligence, big data, and blockchain accelerates its integration with the manufacturing industry, the manufacturing production methods and corporate forms are undergoing fundamental changes. As the new generation of information technology represented by artificial intelligence, big data, and blockchain accelerates its integration with the manufacturing industry, the manufacturing production methods and corporate forms are undergoing fundamental changes. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, my country's intelligent manufacturing will continue to advance from multiple dimensions such as manufacturing process, hardware equipment, software architecture, system integration, and supply chain system to consolidate the industrial foundation and keep my country's manufacturing industry moving towards digital, networked, and intelligent The direction of industrialization remains unchanged, and the high-quality development process of the manufacturing industry is accelerated.   Feature 01 System integration will become an important fulcrum supporting the rapid development of my country's intelligent manufacturing.   At present, the way of intelligent transformation of enterprises is changing from a single equipment upgrade, software application, and network laying to the implementation of system integration solutions for the entire line and plant, and the establishment of an industry-level platform. As enterprises’ demands for the development of intelligent manufacturing continue to be refined and sinking, on the one hand, intelligent manufacturing system integrators will accelerate the productization of services, decompose the customized requirements of enterprise intelligent transformation into modular standard services, and improve integration While providing service standardization, ensuring service quality, and reducing service costs, it also enhances the willingness of enterprises to transform through quantification of the benefits of transformation; on the other hand, integrators with core technologies of common processes are expected to cross-industry with technology application scenarios as the starting point. Horizontal extension, providing system integration services to manufacturing enterprises in multiple industries, and stimulating the process of intelligent transformation of traditional manufacturing industries. It is expected that by the end of the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the scale of my country's intelligent manufacturing system integration industry will exceed 550 billion yuan.   Feature 02 Converged next-generation industrial networks are expected to lead the future of smart factories.    The 5G+TSN+OPC UA converged network can better meet the needs of intelligent manufacturing in the industrial field. With the increasing requirements of enterprises for flexible production and the increasing demand for cross-platfo...
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  • Batteries increase by 5-15%
    The price of batteries will increase by 5-15%, and the price increase of lithium batteries may continue until 2023 The lack of material in the lithium battery industry chain continues to increase prices. However, the end of the year does not mean that the price increase is coming to an end. On the contrary, many news indicate that the price of lithium batteries will continue to rise. According to a report from Taiwan’s Electronic Times today, the battery module factory has been notified that due to the rising downstream demand for electric vehicles and energy storage, the price of cylindrical lithium battery cells will rise again at the beginning of next year by 5%-15%.    Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) latest survey report shows that the current average price of lithium-ion battery packs is US$132/kWh, a year-on-year decrease of 6%. However, due to increased pressure on material costs, the price of battery packs may rise to US$135/kWh next year, further slowing down the cost reduction process of electric vehicles.    Another report from the Taiwan Electronic Times added that the surge in battery prices will continue until 2023.   The time point for the cost competition of electric vehicles may be delayed by two years    The price calculation of "US$132/kWh" mentioned above includes multiple downstream applications such as new energy vehicles, public transportation, and energy storage projects. For electric vehicles alone, the current average price of battery packs is only US$118/kWh, and the average price of batteries is US$97/kWh.    The author of Bloomberg’s above report pointed out that although the overall price of batteries has fallen this year, in the second half of the year, the price has actually been rising.    The current price of NMC (811) batteries is nearly US$110/kWh, and the price of Q4 is expected to be US$10 per kWh higher than that of Q1. As for the lithium iron phosphate battery, which has long been known for its high cost performance, it is also difficult to resist the cost pressure of the supply chain. Since September, domestic prices have risen by 10%-20%.    The rise of batteries will not stop there, and other news from the supply chain recently confirmed Bloomberg’s forecast that “batteries will continue to rise next year”.    The news pointed out that the first-tier battery factories that previously insisted not to raise prices next year are now also shaken, and they have begun to notify customers to renew online prices, and their quotations will increase by about 20%. Manufacturers also estimate that their quotations will rise across the board in 2022.    From the survey report released by Changhong Energy at the end of last month, the company's lithium battery business has strong demand and full orders. Although it has raised prices for some products, it "cannot fully cover" the increase in raw material prices, and some price...
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  • UAV technology breakthrough and integration accelerate the development of the industry
    UAV can be classified into military UAV and civil UAV according to different application fields. With the gradual maturity of UAV technology and the reduction of manufacturing cost and entry threshold, the consumer UAV market has erupted, while the civil UAV market is on the eve of the outbreak. Unmanned aircraft, referred to as "UAV", is an unmanned aircraft operated by radio remote control equipment and self-contained program control device. UAV can be classified into military UAV and civil UAV according to different application fields. With the gradual maturity of UAV technology and the reduction of manufacturing cost and entry threshold, the consumer UAV market has erupted, while the civil UAV market is on the eve of the outbreak. Market status 1. Market size With the gradual maturity of UAV technology and the reduction of manufacturing cost and entry threshold, the consumer UAV market has erupted, while the civil UAV market is on the eve of the outbreak. According to the data, the scale of China's civil UAV market has increased from 7.9 billion yuan in 2017 to 22 billion yuan in 2019, with an average annual compound growth rate of 66.88%. It is expected that the market scale will reach 453 in 2022. 2. Market share Civil UAVs are mainly divided into consumer UAVs and industrial UAVs. The data show that China's consumer UAV market accounts for 65.12% and industrial UAV market accounts for 34.88%. Development prospect 1. Cost advantage is good for Industry Development China has a complete electronic industry chain, and UAV enterprises can purchase electronic components with excellent performance at a lower price. In addition, at present, almost all consumer UAVs are equipped with lithium batteries, while China's lithium batteries are at the forefront of the world in terms of performance and price, and the cost advantage is conducive to the development of the industry. 2. Technological breakthrough and integration accelerate the development of the industry At present, with the help of Dajiang and other enterprises, China has a certain leading advantage in UAV technology. Based on this, in 2021, with the continuous emergence of industrial capital, the layout of relevant enterprises is significantly accelerated, the commercial pace such as 5g and artificial intelligence is deepened, the new infrastructure and other strategies are further implemented, and the development of civil UAVs is also progressing. 3. Population aging leads to the release of industrial market demand and promotes the development of the industry With the acceleration of population aging, the proportion of working age population in China has decreased year by year. At the same time, the human cost remains high, and the problems of recruitment and employment are particularly obvious. At the same time, modern people have gradually improved their awareness of labor protection and are unwilling to engage in boring, high-risk and hard work. In the fields of commercial aerial photogr...
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  • Under the "dual carbon" goal, where should the development of the coal chemical industry go?
    Beijing, China, August 20, 2021 - In the development of human society, coal was the earliest fossil energy source to be effectively used. From the first coal-burning heat to the invention of the steam engine, people successfully entered the industrial age. Nowadays, oil, natural gas, and even cleaner wind, solar, and nuclear power are driving the world's rapid operation.    The frequent occurrence of extreme climates is warning human society that the global climate system is now undergoing rapid and extensive changes. Some geographic and climatic disasters are irreversible, and if the carbon emission intensity is not reduced from now on, the global temperature will continue to rise and the environment will further deteriorate.    "Rich coal, poor oil and less gas" is the basic feature of China's energy structure, and coal-based resource endowments have always been China's basic national conditions. For a long time, domestic coal has been mainly used for fuel, and it has also been criticized for high emissions. At present, coal is still China's main source of primary energy. The second-ranked oil and gas resources are highly dependent on overseas, and the turbulent market threatens China's energy security. As the entire society moves towards a renewable and sustainable low-carbon society, the vigorous development of the coal chemical industry will give greater play to the role of coal as a resource ballast, and the coal industry will also escort the country’s energy security in many aspects. .    "Dual Carbon" Target Drives Energy Structure Transformation    In September 2020, China's development has entered a new historical period. In the general debate of the 75th United Nations General Assembly, China announced that it will strive to achieve carbon dioxide peak in 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. This is also known as China's "dual carbon" goal. Under the guidance of the "dual-carbon" target, from petrochemical, energy, consumption, and manufacturing industries, there has been an upsurge of peak carbon reduction. It is foreseeable that, as an important foundation of the entire industry, the energy structure will take the lead in realizing low-carbon development and provide a guarantee for the carbon peak and carbon neutrality of the whole society.   Reviewing the relevant data of domestic energy consumption in recent years, although the total amount has steadily increased, the energy structure has changed. According to data provided by the China Petroleum Institute of Economics and Technology, by 2020, the proportion of coal in China's energy consumption has fallen from 72.2% in 1980 to 56.8%. In addition, in the past five years, oil accounted for 18%-19% of China's energy consumption, while natural gas consumption has increased from 4.0% in 2010 to the current 8.2%. While the proportion of fossil energy has fallen, the overall proportion of renewable energy, including hydropower, nuc...
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  • Huawei joins medical industry partners to promote 5G smart medical integration cooperation
    October 13 news, during the 12th Global Mobile Broadband Forum, 5G smart medical integration partner industry cooperation roundtable was held in Shanghai.   The meeting was hosted by Lu Qingjun, head of the 5G network construction standards group for hospitals of the National Health Care Commission, director of the Development Division of China-Japan Friendship Hospital and director of the National Center for Telemedicine and Internet Medicine, Wang Tianguang, member of the party group and deputy director of the Shanghai Communications Administration, Yu Hua, technical director of the Smart Hospital of Shanghai First People's Hospital and deputy director of the Information Professional Committee of the Shanghai Hospital Association, Professor of Zhongshan Hospital of Fudan University, the Bai Chunxue, director of Shanghai Institute of Respiratory Diseases, and Zhang Wenlin, president of Huawei's Strategy Department, attended and delivered speeches. Representatives from enterprises in various parts of the industry chain made detailed presentations and shared their views on the technology and industry status of 5G smart healthcare, including network construction, application solutions, and integrated cooperation strategies. Yinjiang, Runyi Technology and Venture Huikang made keynote speeches, and enterprises such as Shanghai Mobile, True Interest Technology, Luojie IOT, Neusoft Hanfeng, Noah Logistics Robotics and Lierda participated in the discussion on the cooperation and promotion strategy of integration partners, and jointly contributed to the 5G wisdom medical integration industry cooperation.   Wang Tianguang pointed out that ten ministries and commissions issued the "sail" action plan for 5G applications, and the Shanghai Communications Administration is actively guiding basic telecommunication companies to accelerate 5G network coverage and strengthen cross-border integration with vertical industry partners in order to generate more benchmark applications and carry out "5G+Smart 5G+Smart Medical Application Pilot" in the medical industry to build a 5G smart medical model and accumulate industry symbiosis for the development of 5G industry in Shanghai.   Zhang Wenlin pointed out that 5G medical network construction has made great progress, with 5G networks moving from medical private networks to dual-use virtual private networks, and 5G medical applications are also developing rapidly. Huawei has been cooperating deeply with industry authorities and operators, from hospitals to operators to application partners, terminals and integration partners to promote the whole industry chain cooperation. 5GtoB large industrial environment has entered the stage of deepening the development of industry convergence applications. The next step in the medical industry is to expand the scope, including forming close cooperation with industry integrators, operators, service providers, and medical service innovation institutions,...
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  • Pilz: Danger recognition of collaborative robot system
    The various difficulties caused by COVID-9 have made people's attention to robots, especially collaborative robots, unprecedentedly high. The concept of "robot substitution" has once again set off an upsurge, and the shipment of collaborative robots has repeatedly reached new highs. "Industrial robot out of the cage" Many well-known market research institutions believe that collaborative robots have injected fresh blood into the entire robotics industry and will lead the entire robotics industry in the next decade. According to Japan’s Yano Research Institute’s market report, global shipments of collaborative robots are expected to reach 28,700 units in 2021, and by 2030, this number is expected to exceed the 100,000-unit mark. Global shipment trends of collaborative robots The prospect of collaborative robots in the Chinese market is also very impressive. Even in the context of the global decline in sales of collaborative robots in 2020, the domestic market will continue to grow, with shipments accounting for approximately 32.2% of the global market, becoming a collaborative robot on a global scale. The fastest growing market. China's collaborative robot shipment trend Collaborative robots need more safety assessment and safety protection Some users believe that collaborative robots are "safe". After using collaborative robots, safety assessments and corresponding protective measures are no longer required. This is actually an incorrect perception. In the final analysis, collaborative robots still belong to the category of machines, and different applications have different risks. Before the collaborative robot is completely released from the "cage", it must be ensured that its application is sufficiently safe, otherwise it may lead to serious consequences. This time we will talk about the risks that need to be considered before designing from the perspective of collaborative robot system design. The dangerous "three sins" of collaborative robots In GB 11291.2-2013 "Safety Requirements of Industrial Robots Part 2: Robot Systems and Integration" (ie EN 10218-2) and GB/T 36008-2018 "Robots and Robot Equipment Collaborative Robots" (ie ISO/TS 15066) It is stipulated that for collaborative robot systems, the entire collaborative task and workspace should be considered for risk assessment. The dangers of collaborative robots should include at least three aspects: 1. Related dangers of the robot itself: a. The characteristics of the robot (such as load, speed, force, power, surface shape, etc.) b. Conditions for quasi-static contact of the robot c. When the operator is standing close to the robot arm (such as preventing working under the robot) 1. Related dangers of the robot system: a. The dangers of end effectors and workpieces, including lack of ergonomic design, sharp edges, missing workpieces, protrusions, etc. b. The relationship between the position of the operator and the path relative to the position of the part, the orientation of the struct...
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  • Energy Transition under a Carbon Neutral Vision
    ✭✭✭✭✭ The warming of the Earth's surface is mainly caused by the burning of fossil energy by humans and the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. Greenhouse gases can cause some adverse effects on climate, such as ocean warming/acidification, glacier melting and the formation of some extreme weather. Zhao Changying pointed out that humans need to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and curb the trend of temperature rise. Therefore, the carbon peaking target by 2030 is proposed with the aim of getting CO2 emissions to peak at a low level as early as possible to leave time and space for subsequent carbon neutrality. Zhao Changying said that at this stage, China is facing many challenges in energy transition, such as a coal-based energy structure and a tight time frame for achieving carbon neutrality. ✭✭✭✭✭ Under the condition that China's energy structure is dominated by coal, to speed up the low carbon transformation of the energy system in a relatively short period of time and increase the proportion of renewable energy in the future energy structure is one of the key conditions to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality. Zhao Changying talked about that under the carbon neutral target, by 2060, the proportion of future non-fossil energy consumption in China will increase from about 16% at present to more than 80% in 2060. The transformation of energy structure needs to rely on advanced energy technologies, and for this, China is currently developing mainly non-fossil energy sources including hydropower, nuclear power, biomass, solar energy and wind energy, and has carried out scientific research layout and R&D research in three major fields: new energy, energy storage and energy internet. Zhao Changying said that the background of building a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system, accelerating the development of new energy technologies represented by wind and solar energy. However, such new energy technologies are faced with the volatility, intermittency and uncertainty of new energy. Therefore, the intermittent, fluctuating new energy can be stored and re-released energy storage technology, "new energy + energy storage" model came into being. ✭✭✭✭✭ However, reaching the goal of carbon neutrality depends not only on the large-scale use of non-fossil energy sources, but also on the effective management of carbon dioxide emissions from fossil energy combustion. According to Changying Zhao, carbon dioxide capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) is one of the current technologies that can neutralize CO2 greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon dioxide capture and storage mainly involves capture technology, resource utilization and geological storage. Among them, capture is mainly concentrated in the coal chemical industry, followed by the thermal power industry, etc. Geological utilization and storage projects focus on enhanced oil recovery. Several demonstration projects have bee...
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